Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming...

...to talk about Iceland.  

I know, you're probably here looking for stories about another country that starts with the letter "I" and ends with "-land", but, alas, we just got back from Iceland and I've been working frenziedly on a trip report before work eats me alive.

So!  I should probably change the title of the blog away from being just about Ireland, but I'm out of clever blog names for now.  Suggestions are welcomed, preferably from those more creative than I.

In the meantime, I hope you (what readers I do have.  You're out there, right?  It's okay if you're shy.) enjoy these posts.  I should have them coming out over the next few weeks.

Ireland posts will begin again after Iceland is out of my system.  (Pssh.  Like that'll ever happen.  Really, I don't know why we're still talking.  You should just go to Iceland right now.  Definitely.)


  1. COME BACK! Okay, sorry for shouting but I'm dying to hear about the rest of Ireland. I'm planning my 3 week honeymoon and so many of the places you went are places we are planning :)

    1. Gah, I know, I'm terrible! I've been juggling too many projects.

      I just finished up the latest Iceland installment, and the last day is almost done. Then it's back to Ireland, for sure.

      I probably need to change my format a bit to be less wordy. I love writing, but unless I take a more photoblogging approach, I'm afraid I will end up with a book rather than a blog (and an unfinished one, at that).

      In the meantime, if you have any specific questions about places you're thinking about visiting, I can try to answer them as best I can. :)

  2. Love your Ireland trip report as well. Actually considering the trip from Doolin to Dingle via Conor Pass because of your blog. Please finish when you get a chance. Really enjoy your writing style so would miss your comments if you wrote less. My trip is in March 2014.

    1. Thanks so much, Laurie! The Conor pass drive was wonderful, and not nearly as intimidating as others make it sound. How exciting that you're heading to Ireland this March! I just got a chance to edit the pictures from our Conor Pass drive - those are now posted. I'll be posting pictures of Dingle and Slea Head sometime later this week. :)
